Sunday, August 5, 2012

Everyone is special.

WOOHOO I like this picture here hahaha because I like the circular frame effect. This picture was taken last year when my hair was still straight, long and nice. Now, I look like a lion. Definitely not pleasing to the eye.

Anyway, just a random statement. Isn't the sentence "Everyone is special" a paradoxical statement?? If everyone is special, then doesn't that means that everyone has the commonality of being SPECIAL, so ultimately, we are all equal since everyone is special?? HAHAHA Ok I'm random and my observation above probably doesn't even make much sense.

Also, I'm excited to say that I'm going to learn hip-hop with my cousins!! Hahaha my cousin Priscilla has been learning for years and she has been persuading me and her sister to join but we are too lazy and plus, I have no courage to do so. But then, I have decided to go learn dancing with them haha!! Anyway, I'm left with only 3 piano lessons (2 more in fact, after tomorrow passes). So, why not pick up something new?? I really hope I can do well for my exam!!

Being random again, but I signed up for an impromptu CIP with Xuxi haha!! They were short of one person so I just agreed within like 10 mins. I have 0 CIP hours this year. TSKTSK bad citizen who didn't do anything to serve her community. I was actually looking forward to painting toilets for class CIP haha because it's like watching Okto's groom my room/groom my school which is so fun and cool!! But it's such a pity that our plans are not approved. I hope the carnival would be fun though!!

Another random thing, Xuewen commented that I was very random haha because the other day when we were walking to the hostel canteen to eat our favourite tangyuan, we started making up random lyrics to ROLLING IN THE DEEP and she complained that my lyrics are random and they do not rhyme. HMPH. I'm cool this way ok!! Boonfang was so annoyed that she told us to stop singing haha because we kept on repeating the tune of the first 2 sentences for a few minutes and our song did not ever reach the chorus melody.

On a side note, I would like to thank Junhui for her super sweet comment!! I am so freaking touched by her sweetness omg :') At least I know I have some supporters with me hahaha!! MUACKS to all my good friends out there. Also, I'm grateful that Mrs Tan postponed the GP test. I can heave a sigh of relief. Lastly, I'm glad that there are only 2 days of school this week. I LOVE SINGAPORE. LOL.

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