Friday, September 21, 2012

chicken wings and hotdogs.

I'm so sad my blogger has reverted to the new version. It feels like I'm typing on googledocs now. I HATE THE NEW BLOGGER. It isn't new actually, just that you can choose not to use the new version, but now they made it compulsory to change to the new version.

we had a choir batch bbq @ cecilia's condo on Tuesday!! I really love her playground because got this spinning thing and swings!! I didn't do much bbq-ing because I'm helpless and I don't want to melt HAHAH. xuewen/xuxi are the buttegirls hahah. I'm the one who tries to act busy by offering Gina drinks and taking care of her drinks and going around snapping pictures of others. Xuewen was telling me about Ellen's dance dares and we watched one video and ended up laughing. Then we tried to do the dance dare by dancing behind Gina while she was barbecuing. We ended up being busted haha and nobody wanted to dance gangnam style with us. The hotdogs that woodblock barbecued tasted so good!! XUEWEN'S LOOK LIKE DISEASED HOTDOGS HAHAHAH.

Weiyang was so addicted with peeling prawns that he helped all of us peel the prawns haha then he told me that I'm eating his skin cells or whatever. Stupid Junwei just sat there the whole period and only stood up once (I think he only stood up when Hubert dropped his chicken wings onto the floor).

We gave cecilia's teddy bear a ridiculous name HAHA I bet she loves it so much and she's smiling in her heart. CHEESY. PLEASE PAY ME BACK MY MONEY. THE GUYS WILL TAKE FOREVER TO RETURN ME MY MONEY ESPECIALLY WITH PEOPLE LIKE JUNWEI WHO TOOK SO LONG TO PAY HIS CLASS FUND. 


wow it feels like we are really a batch instead of individual groups. cool I like it. 

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