Friday, November 9, 2012

goldfish ninjas.

and I'm proud to say that PW is finally over!! sad and happy that it's over, because I really like my group haha. can't believe we came up with that ridiculous thought of calling ourselves ninjas HAHA and we called each other goldfishes because our memory sucks. haha mengping is like a 傻大姐 haha cute. I love to hear her stories especially her stories of her days in taiwan and thailand. I like to see her reaction whenever she is going to 崩溃. zhangzhao is the one who is really like a ninja. forever rushing off one. zixian is the one that is ALWAYS LATE and he is a grammar doctor. oh but he was nice to me yesterday by helping me buy nuggets hahaha. one common thing about all of us: FOOD. FOREVER THINKING ABOUT FOOD. our group is forever the first group to leave PW, self-declaring break at 10am. HAHA.

oh and I thing about our OP. we had like 6 accessors!! 2 examiners, 2 internal moderators and 2 external moderators + miss chittra sitting at a corner nodding her head away while we presented. I ALMOST DIED OF NERVOUSNESS OK. first speaker of the DAY is so scary. mr mark kept on warning me and telling me to be more enthusiastic. I remember he brought my whole group to this staircase and made us recite our script over and over again and I spent the longest time (50 mins) before he was satisfied and let me go. I nearly broke down and cried in front of all of them because I simply couldn't make myself sound excited about our project and I just looked very fake and awkward. \

oh and my Q&A is really horrible. everybody who saw me during my mock OP could tell how lousy I was. Mr Mark warned me and told me to work on it gosh hahaa and zixian kept telling me to go prepare questions. He even spent time to teach me how to answer questions HAHAH. liuhan even said I was so lousy that she wanted to beat me when she heard my answers. I was panicking so mad when we had to present in front of ms cheng that timothy saw how stressed I was and kept telling me to calm down. I WAS A HOPELESS CASE. but they said I did not bad on the actual day. In fact, it was my best performance :)

I'm so grateful that my class people are very supportive :')

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