Monday, December 3, 2012

5 gruelling hours.

WOAH after 5 hours of unpacking all my bags for papers and rubbish, categorizing my worksheets according to subjects, arranging them into 7 huge stacks, hole-punching each stack, finding files, arranging them according to date or topic, I'M PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THAT MY TABLE IS FINALLY NEAT and I'm so much organized now!! gosh it took me 2 hours in the afternoon just to arrange them into stacks and another 3 hours at night to file them. I SHALL BE MORE ORGANIZED NEXT YEAR. (that's what she says LOL.)

Alright it's already 12.45am now but there's so much left to do!! I need to pack my luggage, do maths homework, finish memorizing scores etc OMG I NEED MORE TIME. 24 HOURS A DAY IS DEFINITELY NOT ENOUGH. I'm dead beat :(

P.S. I GOT MY FIRST STARBUCKS CARD TODAY!! WOOHOO. It's the christmas design with the snowman!! I'M SO EXCITED :) 

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