Friday, December 21, 2012


Well if you are reading this post now, CONGRATULATIONS FOR SURVIVING THE SO-CALLED DOOMS-DAY AS PREDICTED BY THE MAYAN CALENDAR!! *throws confetti and runs down the aisle and does a happy dance* This fiasco is downright ridiculous. To celebrate that we did not die, we should all do a jump shot. TA-DAAAA!!

Ok back to the topic. I saw xuxi's tweet about stocking up on water and food to prepare for this doomsday. HAHAHA omg so ridiculous. I mean if the whole world is going to die, what's the point in stocking up on water and food?? You are just wasting money!! (not like money can be taken to heaven/hell anyway LOL.) Anyway, you have to consider that while some countries are already living in 21st December, there are still some countries that are still in 20th December due to time zone differences.

Have you all watched the movie I AM LEGEND?? It's so similar!! It's like the whole place is zombified or something like that and only one guy survives. It's freaking scary. I don't want to be the only person left alive. If everyone has to die, I want to die with them. Exactly at the same time.

Anyway, I need to catch up on all my homework and prepare for science tests :( 

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