Friday, January 25, 2013

genting - bucket list ticked.

Well so I went to Genting last Friday. We had post-Prague party on Friday. Best part of the whole thing?? PIZZA. And Xinge receiving 2 prizes and Junwei won Mr Photogenic HAHAHA and he was damn pissed off because so many people purposely sabo-ed him to be Mr Photogenic.

I was quite excited for Genting but slightly dreading it because I had to study Maths during the trip. When my friends asked me why I was going to Genting, I replied, "TO STUDY." HAHAH we even managed to trick wood (or should I say wooden chair now) into believing that I am migrating to Genting to study HAHA. WTH does Genting even have a school??!! 

Presenting to you a picture of me and my cousin in specs HAHA. When was the last time you have seen me wearing specs?? Or is this the first time you are seeing me wearing specs?? Anyway, the tour bus from Fivestars is really damn comfortable and clean. I LOVE CLEAN BUSES. Those super filthy buses just spoils my mood. And EVERYONE has their own television!! SO GOOD. I was having a fun time watching hongkong movies and laughing like mad (ALONE) since everyone else was asleep or watching dramas on their handphones. They thought the tv was spoiled because it couldn't start up initially but smartypants me waited patiently for 15 mins and managed to turn on the tv, and I couldn't be bothered to inform them that the tv was finally working.

Love my cookie monster ring?? HAHAHA.

After checking in and taking a 3 hour nap, we went for breakfast and me, Alex, my cousin Priscilla, her boyfriend Josca bought tickets for the Indoor and Outdoor themepark full day tour and headed to the themepark with Alex's parents. I was quite sad because the nice spinning swing thingy at the entrance of the themepark was closed. Many rides were closed that day, like the space shooter, flying dragon, dinosaur land the boat ride thing etc. Nobody wanted to go play go-kart with me :( Ok I admit that I was quite sceptical of enjoying myself in the themepark initially because I am quite scared of the rides. I'm damn scared that I will have a heart attack and die (CHOY TOUCH WOOD) or my heart will jump out from my mouth etc. Also, Genting has VERY LITTLE rides and it's definitely not worth the 70RMB, but, it turned out to be more fun than I expected.

HEY LOOK THAT'S MY LONG LOST TWIN. Is it a t-rex (judging from its short arms).

Us outside some random stall.

After dinosaurland, we went to Viking. HAHA the viking in Genting seriously NO KICK AT ALL. Everyone was screaming just for the sake of screaming and trying to self-entertain. We had fun screaming for no reason. We sat at the second last row I think, and I just kept on screaming for no reason and I think the girl in front of me was damn pissed off and told her friend that 后面很吵 pffft. Alex was damn scared and cried and refused to play with us. He went off with his parents to play the kiddy rides - spinning teacups, flying aeroplanes etc.

My cousin and Josca decided to go and ride on CORKSCREW, which is the rollercoaster that looks super scary due to the many 360 degrees loops and the steepness of the tracks. I chickened out and told them that I will wait for them while they play. I wandered around taking pictures of random stuff I saw. Yeah, I'm quite random.

After 40 mins, they were finally done with their ride (the queue was damn long. I think it was the scariest ride in Genting that day since the space shooter was closed for maintenance). Josca was complaining because he came Genting like twice or thrice but the space shooter was closed every single time. They were exclaiming that the corkscrew ride was really damn good and decided to drag me to play too, then it was my turn to scream, "I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT I'M DOING THIS." We went to the queue but they were closed for a short maintenance check, and I was secretly thinking PHEW.

Uncle Thomas, Pris and Josca managed to convince me to go to sit the flying coaster (the spiderman/superman flying thing outside the themepark). Normally, you have to pay 12RMB for the ride, but if you purchase the indoor themepark ticket, you only have to pay 10RMB and if you purchase the all themeparks ticket, it's even better because it's free. We queued like almost 1 hour for the ride then when it was nearing our turn, the machine got faulty and couldn't operate. Everyone went screaming BOOOO because it's apparently the most exhilarating ride in the whole themepark, and yet after queueing for so long, there were technical difficulties. I guess it was too cold that day (IT WAS REALLY DAMN COLD. SO FOGGY UNTIL CAN'T SEE.) that the engines couldn't operate. Once again, I thought to myself PHEW. Then, they decided to drag me back to the corkscrew. Josca got so excited and started running to the ride while me and my cousin just strolled behind.


I was damn nervous. It just dawned on me that I was on a rollercoaster when I buckled my seatbelts and I wanted to pee in my pants so badly. Before the ride even began, I started screaming MAAAAA then my cousin said might as well scream for my ah mah also haha!! The moment the ride started, I thought, "SHIT IS GETTING REAL." The first part was this super steep slope and the purposely made the roller coaster go up VERY SLOWLY then pause a while in mid-air before dashing down the steep slope gosh haha I had a fun time screaming. Then it started spinning round and round and going about this 360 degrees loop and then rotating like mad and yeah you get my point. I started laughing like mad because it was so exciting. Every time the roller coaster slowed down and you think that the ride's going to end, it starts going fast and crazy again. I SURVIVED A ROLLER-COASTER.

After a while around 5 plus, the flying coaster started operating again so my cousin decided to try our luck there again. We were so pissed off with this group of action ahbengs behind us. It was so damn cold and 1 of them wasn't wearing a jacket, while another one was like wearing basketball jersey and hotpants, and all of them were wearing slippers. They were smoking like nobody's business argh. Then they said that whoever screams during the ride must go and take the ride again. TSK FAIL. After 1 hour of queueing, it was finally our turn. We had to enter this cage-like thing and lean against it. When it was the turn of the group in front of us, the stupid machine decided to be faulty again and the poor people were stuck in front. We were trapped in the cage and it was freezing cold. The wind was blowing so badly. Then the group of ahbengs behind were screaming about how cold they were LOL. TOO BAD. After 5 mins of enduring the wind blowing against us, it was finally our turn!! It was so foggy by that time because of the cold, which makes the whole experience even better because you really feel like you are flying. There was this part where the whole cage will just rotate about the track and start spinning about it like 3 or 4 spins so that means that you will be facing the sky. Then we joked about how suay you will be if the machine decides to jam when you are spinning and stop operating at the moment you face the sky HAHAHA. I think I was screaming so badly that I couldn't even hear Priscilla's and Josca's screams and I think he was freaked out by me coz I kept screaming and laughing. It's seriously damn fun. Good experience. We got down from the ride and immediately dashed to buy something warm to eat, then, we heard the group of ahbengs screaming during their ride and we couldn't stop laughing.

Us after the ride!!

Say Hi to the 3 musketeers. 

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