Wednesday, January 23, 2013

owe homework pay homework.

Today, I'm very touched by this note that Rae gave me to encourage me because I was so stressed up with school work yesterday that I ranted on every possible social networking sites/accounts that I own. I guess she saw my tumblr and realised how depressed I was haha and gave me such a cute note. She even bothered drawing on the note so nicely even though she's busy with her own school work too. TAI GAN DONG LE. Anyway, it's 11.14pm now so it's time for bed. I'm doing some quiet time now. I'm giving Maths a break. Hopefully, the test tomorrow will be manageable. I can't say I'm prepared because you can NEVER be fully prepared.

On the side note, I JUST REALISED THAT I OWE SO MANY TEACHERS HOMEWORK. I owe KK questions 1-9 of d.c. tutorial and owe betty the GP presentation stuff (which we successfully managed to persuade her to let us present on Friday instead. I also chem tutorials and history sbq but I'm not going to bother about it since mezz isn't marking. I shall do that when I'm free over the weekend. she looked like she was going to cry. not kidding. her lips were quivering madly.) After maths test, I need to go and chiong GP with my group and chiong physics.

Oh yeah CIP on Saturday and I'm so excited because this year, I've decided that I shall not be last minute and go find CIP only in the last few months. My first CIP shall be in January this year WOOHOO. 

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