Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wow you've lost my vote.

The outcome of SC Q&A was pretty much expected. All candidates have the same framework when answering their question. I have to agree with the junior with the funny accent that we've been listening to the same thing for years. Typical but true. HAHA that junior is seriously too hilarious. "So I will see you in the LCD camp." HAHAHA. I have to agree with Boss' question too. If you can't commit the CCA, how can we be sure that you will commit to council?? What a whole load of excuses given. We all know that you did PON cca. You even influenced Crispy to pon cca. Ok then you said that you have lost interest in choir so you wanted to quit. So I guess after you lose interest in council then you will quit irresponsibly?? WOW I guess you will be losing all your votes from CCA members. Fancy you pushing the blame to your SL Junwei HAHAH who looked like he was going to implode from anger. I thought this happened during the Y5 Y6 session only but I was wrong. Apparently during the Y3 Y4 session, Nelson Tan went to suan him too, which shows that it's definitely NOT the fault of the SL nor any members and teachers. If your fellow Y4 friend has something to say about you, it just shows that the problem is seriously on you. Why should we vote for you still?? I'm not convinced.

Anyway, I finally had a good 3-hour nap woohoo. I had been staying up late the past few nights to complete my work. Many people have commented on the super visible eyebags that have grown overnight the past few days.

Looking forward to the weekends!!

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