Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Mai le/ I can't even.

I'm feeling very high today HAHA. Today, let's talk about people's weird lingoes now. Hmmmm let's see. The more prominent ones I see on Twitter are: I CAN'T EVEN and MAI LE.

Every time somebody says I CAN'T EVEN./I CAN'T EVEN..., I will be holding my breath and waiting for time to finish their sentence. YOU CAN'T END YOUR SENTENCE LIKE THAT. YOU HAVE TO ADD IN A VERB. Like I can't even BREATHE, I can't even TALK, I can't even UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE CAN JUST END THEIR SENTENCES WITH I CAN'T EVEN WHEN THEIR SENTENCE DOES NOT EVEN MAKE SENSE AND I KNOW MY SENTENCE IS RUNNING ON BUT YEAH YOU GET THE POINT. I don't understand why people must omit the verb. The sentence just feels awkward and incomplete if you just say "I CAN'T EVEN." What can't you even??

Next, people like to say MAI LE. Tsk it gets a bit annoying because so many people are saying it. Perhaps it might have sounded cool initially, but as more people tries to say it, I feel like they are seriously misusing hokkien.

Is it so difficult to say things properly??

Anyway, my thighs are aching mad all thanks to circuit training we did yesterday. I had to roll down my bed this morning because I can't bend my legs at all. We all burst out laughing when Zozo told us the story of her being unable to get up from the toilet bowl and had to scream for her mum to help her up this morning HAHAHA omg so hilarious. My thighs are so painful that even the uncle with a walking stick can walk down the stairs faster than me. FAIL.

1 comment:

  1. mai le sarah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They damn lame right hahaha I can't even. I can't even. Yeah you can't even complete your sentence LOL!
