Monday, April 22, 2013

the best meal of rice and fish.

Finally managed to find some time to post!!

Last Friday was a pretty emotional day. It was our last time performing on stage for SYF with RVC(S), it was our last PT session, it was our last warm-ups and vocals session. And on last Wednesday, it was the last ball game session :'( 

These 6 years have been very fun for me. I made great friends, and I got to sing nice songs. Even though I am definitely not a very good singer, I still had fun singing with these people. We told ourselves that we would not cry on Friday, but we failed haha. After SYF, we just gathered outside, and Vanessa was telling us that we did a good job and stuff and she was like, "I want to thank you all" and she didn't even manage to complete her sentence and she started crying. At first I was like OMG she's crying then chow and bf started tearing too. I was like HAHA cry for what!! Then soon, Gina, xinge and even Rae started crying. I saw Gina crying and she cried until like damn sad like that, then I saw Rae, who cried until she bent over, and then I saw Xinge, and I started thinking that she would have to return to China after A-levels, then I started crying too. Haha gina cried until her eyeliner smudged and gave her panda eyes haha freaking hilarious. So embarrassing to cry in front of my chem teacher Ms Lu haha she even came to ask me if I was ok and told me to stop crying. 

I'm so proud that the seniors think that we did very well!! According to xuxi, tszkiu thinks that we have brought choir to another standard that was never achieved (is this what she said ar xuxi HAHAHA). And Ms Tham said that we were "BRAVO TTM" on stage haha she's so adorable. It's this form of recognition that makes me strive even further.

hehehehe I'm the only one doing the "C" sign.

YAY 2J reunites haha!! grateful to these 2 people haha. (xuxi, here's where you go AWWWW).

I'm grateful to every single person in RVC(S): VC, Boss, Xuxi, Rae, Boonfang, Chow, Xinge, Cecilia, Wood, Gina, Yeoyuanfang, Joelle, Hanee, Hubert, Junwei, Clement, Weiyang (and maybe even Andy, since he provides entertainment). Thank you so much for these 6 years. Without you all, choir would not have been enjoyable and fun. Even though we had some problems in housekeeping matters last year, we managed to overcome it and put on the best performance. Well I may not be close to many of you (I'm only close to the SOPS), but at least please bother to remember my name HAHA.


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