Thursday, May 9, 2013


This was a bad hectic week because I had to study for Maths test (which turned out to be a futile attempt because I left 3 blanks yay) and I was struggling with being ill. It started with a horrible sorethroat on Saturday and Sunday, which slowly escalated to a bad flu on Monday and Tuesday (but the sorethroat's gone) and a horrible coughing fit yesterday and today (but the flu's almost gone, just that the nose is kind of blocked now and I sound terribly nasal). My sickness made me unable to concentrate during lessons and revision at home because all I wanted to do was to lie on my bed and rest all day long.

I was given an MC for today but my annoying father made me go to school because he doesn't want me to skip Maths test. I didn't want to go home early today because he would just make me do more homework at home so I just loitered in school and went for Physics lecture. Today was extremely horrible because I slept for like the first half of Physics Lecture, the first 45 mins of Chem Tutorial and first part of Physics Review Lecture.

Anyway, I would really appreciate it if people just respect my privacy a bit more. There are some things which are not meant to be said loud because I'm not comfortable with it but people just have to force information out of me and kept pestering me, which made me super annoyed. I cannot stand how my dad is always using my computer and stalking my tweets and facebook like some stalkerish father and my mum for entering my room every now and then to check who I am talking to on Oovoo or messaging to. I cannot stand how autocratic my whole family is and I don't know why I should even respect some of my elders if what they say are simply not right.


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