Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The library gang.

Random post. 1.18 am and I still can't get to sleep. August is going to be hectic. I don't even feel excited for August an the upcoming long weekend. Everything is just so screwed. Sometimes, ok fine, most of the times, I wish I had chloe's brains. I was telling her how I need to make full use of the break and she still has time to watch movie and play pool and even told me that she won't study during the long weekend!! ENVY. Feeling so detached from my friends now because so many of them are staying in the hostel now so we hardly get to meet. Plus, most of my time is spent in the library now zzz need to study.

I must say staying in the library to study with liuhan is very entertaining!! We are forever doing crazy stuff haha and we have our usual table in the library. Also, we have the usual library gang that we always see in the library like our favourite fellow library mates like vivan and junianti haha!! Haha they are forever laughing at us because we always seem to be going for breaks and we will always look forward to 7pm when the librarian brings out he table full of goodies. Oh we even named the librarian HENRY because he really looks like a HENRY. The other one is called VICTOR (haha that's his real name. Oh yeah victory LOL ).

Anyway, I've been reflecting a lot recently. Guess this is something I do when I'm stressed and as I get older.

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