Tuesday, December 31, 2013

concluding 2013.

2013 has been one of the toughest year in my life, mainly due to A-levels. I was only focusing on my studies that I sort of neglected my quiet time and my family. Major events that happened this year were: getting my first ever A for physics, passing chemistry for the first time during prelims, sitting for A-levels which was a hell torturous period, making new friends and catching up with old friends all thanks to late night studying sessions in the library, getting A for PW, appreciating teachers, graduation from RV after 6 long years, choir SYF, getting my new awesome HTC one, getting confirmed (a process after infant baptism), being one of the regular 3 (with Jed and Felix) who attends SS haha, the awkward conclusion of the year in SS with my class, first and last ever prom, going to USS, and slightly emerging from my awkward turtle shell. As I mentioned, nothing major really happened. Too cooped up with exams to bother about anything else.

For 2014, I want to:

1. Brush my teeth at least twice a day (haha I know this is gross but there are days when I just crash and not brush my teeth at night oops).
2. Eat veggie everyday (WOW).
3. Learn how to cook and bake (I've been saying this forever but I just kept procrastinating).
4. Learn guitar and ukelele.
5. Be more opened.
6. Earn money.
7. Travel overseas with my friends.
8. Travel overseas with my parents. We've never travelled as a family of 3 before.
9. Write more.
10. Be a nicer and patient person to everyone else, especially my parents.
11. Hope to get good results for A's.
12. Dye my hair a cool colour.
13. Make new friends.
14. Keep in contact with my old friends from RV. They're the best.
15. Dedicate time for QT.

Ok that's all. Happy New Year everyone!! Just want to say thank you to everyone who have been reading this blog for the past few years haha :) Only a few of you know the url of this blog WOOHOO MY FRIENDS. I want to thank everyone who has been part of my life and making these 6 years in RV memorable for me. I want to thank my friends for tolerating me especially at times when they ask me academic questions and I fail to give them an answer because I'm not very inclined in that area, for tolerating me when I'm dumb at times haha, and for making me happy and helping me to pull through. 

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