Saturday, January 11, 2014

the red string of fate.

"There were 6.1 billion people in the world at that time. And we were just two among that vast number. For you to be attracted to that one among 6.1 billion, it sounded nothing but crazy.

I once read that a red string of fate holds two people on the opposite sides together. That however things might turn out, they would still end up with each other when the time comes. I thought it was romantic to have someone like that - someone who was holding the end of the line for you.

But at the same time, I couldn't help but wonder what if there was none? What if he wasn't there at all? What if it was your destiny that no one would be holding the end of the string for you? What if you were sure that it was this person, and then he was not? What if the saying was not true at all? And what if, just what if the one at the end of the red string was not yours to take?"

- Written in the sand


  1. the right guy will come! our lives have already be predestined :) God is in control! in the meantime you're mine don't worryyyyyyyy

  2. @Wendy: HAHAHA I'm not worried lah xD Just that this passage felt so cool and deep HAHA. #actsdeep
