Sunday, March 9, 2014


SO EXCITED FOR APRIL BECAUSE MY FAMILY IS GOING ON A CRUISE WHEEEE. Not star virgo but star gemini and we're only going to penang and langkawi haha but I'm still damn excited because it's my first time going on cruise. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THE SEA AND THE BEAUTIFUL BEACH AND WAVES OMG. I mean it's pretty obvious that I really really like waves from all the tumblr photos that I always reblog. There's just this calming effect that waves have on me. OK OK I'M REALLY SO EXCITED NOW OMG CAN WE GET ON THE CRUISE NOWWWW.

Ok anyway, things are looking up these days. But I don't dare to count on my blessings, because everytime when I'm like "OH IT'S SUCH A WONDERFUL DAY TODAY. EVERYTHING IS PERFECT." then BAMMMM. Something will just happen and ruin my day. zzz how sad.

Went for NTU open house with Bern, Doreen, LH and Wendy. The moment we entered, saw this senior from UG I think and she's like YOU ALL FROM RV?? Then me and bern were so shocked then bern asked HOW YOU KNOW and she's like YOU ALL GOT THE RV FACE. Er is that a compliment or what HAHA shit can never escape from RV please. Can't make up my mind if I should put comm studies/aerospace engineering/maths & econs as my first choice. Hate it when I'm forced to choose HAHA indecisive girl here.

Went to JEM's sogurt with these girls after the open house OMG it's my first time eating at sogurt haha noob. So sad lah because I went to add M&M's then my yoghurt became damn heavy so I had to pay like $7.05 in total. What a glutton I am.

Anyway LH freaking funny please. We were talking about the BBBB girls (inside joke LOL) then we were comparing them and wondering how on earth they got their jobs and easy money etc. Then she kept trying to think of ways to make them work more HAHA then we were like saying what dirty the mirrior, dirty the walls, pour water everywhere on the glass doors and the sofas HAHA SHIT FREAKING FUNNY. And we were laughing at people's overflowing yoghurt cups and guessing how much they had to pay and stuff oops.

FUN DAY SERIOUSLY. Glad to have such great company (L).

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