Sunday, February 2, 2014

Kettle's 19th.

HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY TO THIS CRAZY KETTLE OF MINE. Hahaha thanks for always trying out crazy spectacles and shades with me during our shopping trips and accompanying me to wait for bus after study sessions during the A level periods even though you forced me to sit at the creepy bus-stop alone while you hopped on the cab huhhh. And we're both the poor victims of the school library fines. I remember how freaked out we were when we were sitting on the swing and saying that we owe the school library our books and then at the moment, the librarian walked out of the library and we were damn scared because we thought they overheard our conversation and were going to catch us and demand us to return the books immediately HAHAH. Anyway I will never forget the first day of school of how dumb you were to go to the wrong bus-stop and ended up having to take the MRT from harbourfront when smart me took 97 to JE HAHA NOOB. Oh and good old days at JE MRT where we'll buy hot dogs and our bubbletea. Here's a toast to many more good years!!

P.S. This is random. So I was running really late yesterday so I didn't wash my hair for one day HAHA OOPS. Hey come on I bet many people don't wash their hair for days too. I sprayed some hair mist and dry conditioner on my hair so that it won't stink HAHA but then my head got itchy just now after dinner. I really don't understand how there are people who can don't wash their hair for like 7 days that kind haha omg not itchy meh??!!

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