Tuesday, March 10, 2020

history with dentists.

This is an utter random post, but one of my goals for the year is to blog more to lock in more memories so that I can look back on my immature thoughts when I am older (that is provided that I will become mature in future HAHHAAH because looking at my parents, the older they get, the more childish they get).

So yup, I want to talk about dentists today!!

When I was younger, I used to really really fear and hate dental visits. I had a bad experience with dentists. My parents had brought me to this very old female dentist, who accidentally injured my tongue with the sharp tool, and led to quite a bit of bleeding. I WAS SCARRED. Social media wasn't around back then, if not I think my parents would have made a ruckus online HAHAH.

When I was in primary school, I really dreaded the annual dental visits. Confession time: I used to only brush my teeth once a day (i.e. in the morning when I wake up) HAHAHA GROSS AF RIGHT but I was too darn lazy. In primary school, the dentist would have this clipboard, where she will put our register number and name, and then each of us will take turn to go for the dental visit. I ALWAYS DREADED SEEING THAT DAMN CLIPBOARD WITH MY NAME. My oral hygiene was obviosuly a C back then, because wth brushing teeth once a day definitely did not help at all.

I was ashamed of my horrible oral hygiene grade. I remember after getting the freaking clipboard, I would rush down to the sink, and use my fingers and start scraping my teeth, getting rid of whatever surface plaque that I could spot, and then do some massive gargling in hopes of getting the gunk out of my teeth gaps. Obviously I thought that my plan was a smart move, but the dentist always one-up me and complain about my bad state of teeth. I HATED THEM WITH ALL MY MIGHT.

Some time in P5 or P6, I had to do an extraction, because my adult tooth had started growing before the milk tooth fell off. It was a nightmare for me, although I must say, it wasn't as painful as I had thought. From then on, I started brushing my teeth twice a day because I was so damn scared of going through this pain again. (Little did I know that I would put myself through this by extracting so many teeth for braces wth HAHAHAH consequences of being vain.)

This dread went on even in secondary school. The dental van would be parked in RV and we had to go to visit the dentist till 16 if I'm not wrong?? I don't remember visiting the dentist in JC. My oral hygiene had improved, but still not the best.

Then we graduated. And I did not visit the dentist in years until I had my braces.

After going through all that shit for braces, I really really take good care of my teeth. Cannot let those thousands of dollars go into drain!! In fact, I'm so comfortable with going to the dentists now because I feel that nothing could get any worse after going through all that shit (so many extractions and injections and even tightening of braces monthly. I AM INVINCIBLE.)

So yeah, my company sets aside some claims to allow us to go for dental visits. I no longer fear dentists as much as when I was younger. I look forward to hearing the dentists praise me for taking good care of my teeth, because I do take care of them -- flossing regularly is one example of how I cherish my teeth HAHAHA. In fact, I really love flossing!! It is so satisfying to see all that gunk coming out. Although I must say, I still freaking hate the sound of the tools against my teeth. The drilling / scratching (????) sound gives me a headache, and makes me so uncomfortable.

But yes, I am now proud of my oral hygiene HAHA.

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