Friday, April 10, 2020

stubborn boomers.

It's circuit breaker day 4, and I am doing well. I am enjoying this WFH thing and staying home. I don't really meet my friends often prior to this (because I had to keep rushing back to supervise the ex-helper). So, technically, it does not have a huge impact to my lifestyle.

My family, on the other hand, is having an extremely hard time on adapting to this.

For one, my mum is generally a very needy and reliant person. She does not like staying home, and she has this intense FOMO. Whatever her sisters are involved in, she must know, and she doesn't allow them to leave her out. I have 3 unmarried aunts who live together, so my mum is very afraid they would leave her out from their activities.

Technically, under this new bill, there shouldn't be any inter-households mingling. My aunt kept inviting us + the three aunts over to her house. She is very bored because she just ended her 14-day SHN. As evidently seen, my entire extended family on my mum's side are FREAKING NEEDY. Would it kill to just abide by the law and refrain from meeting for a few weeks?? I mean, if everyone just does their part, this whole thing can end sooner, as compared to everyone refusing to follow the law.

I got pissed of at them and I told my mum, if you want to go over, go over yourself, leave me out of it, don't drag me down. Harsh, but I am so sick of all these boomers being stubborn. It's not as if we haven't seen each other for a long period of time. My freaking needy family sees one another every single week without fail. In fact, my mum and I stayover at their house every single weekend for the past 25 years of my life (it is hella suffocating because I love staying at home).

They don't understand the severity of this. My aunts and my mum and my cousins are in the essential service line. Which means, they can't work from home, and they are at risk of being exposed to the virus out there. My parents are both high-risk people because they are really old and have existing conditions, and yet, they treat the whole circuit breaker thing as a joke and still want to continue life as it is. By mingling with other households, it's increasing the risk as well. I am so fed up.

Well at least I made sure they stay home, even though everyone (included my extended family) kept scolding me for being 怕死. Who cares man. At least we will be safe. 

1 comment:

  1. imagine if u angst and said “要死你自己去死啦!不要拉我的家人下水” gg end of relationship :x
