Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Day 13: The friend/friends/family/anyone who made 2020 more bearable.


1. Family

I'm very grateful that my mum tolerates my mood swings, always cooking for me, always doing the chores. It's not easy really. I really really respect her. On the other hand, can I say something controversial like, how my dad is the one who actually made 2020 very unbearable for me? HAHAHA. Oops. But I'm really very done. Because I'm always at work or in school last time, I never knew how he was like at home. Our interactions were also minimal, for a few hours, when I'm home after work/school. Now, I spend 24/7 with him. I witness everything. I see all his living habits and it's driving me nuts. He is so unhygienic, so lazy, so chauvinistic, so intolerable, so negative. I wonder what's his purpose in life. The fact that he contributes nothing to this household drains me. I try to keep interactions as minimal as possible because I think if I say too much, we will just end up quarrelling. That's the only way we can have a cordial relationship. 

2. Friends

I'm very grateful for friends who still bother keeping in touch with during this period. Shout out to the 2 people whom I always skype with while working haha V & M, the SLF addicts. Without them, I wouldn't have the motivation to work efficiently at home. It would have been boring and torturous, but talking to them while working makes things so much more fun and easier!! 

3. Colleagues

Even though we may not be working together physically, we have our own group chats now, and we always share a lot of nonsense with one another. I'm just so blessed to be in a good working environment with colleagues whom I am on the same frequency with. 


Ok I have to wake up early to go to the office tomorrow. Nights world.

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