Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Day 2: A new friend you made in 2020.

ROFL mothership hit a spot there. 

I did not make any new friendships this year. How does one even make a new friend in the middle of a pandemic? 

I'm the kind of person who takes a loooooong time to open to people. Even to my closest friends, I find it hard to just put my feelings out there. It's easier for me to pen down my thoughts to myself (hence the blog) than to confide in others. Meeting new people always gives me anxiety. I prefer sticking to the same group of friends. Even when I signed up for uni camps, I make sure to stick to people whom I already know. (p.s. sorry Doreen, I always leech onto you in uni activities because it's really difficult for me to meet new people!!) There's always this fear that I would not be able to share the same frequency as others. 

Not to forget, I'm born with this resting bitch face that makes me look very unapproachable / arrogant? Even though I'm really far from that. I'm just very very shy to strangers. 

It's funny because every time any friend comes to my house, my parents would ask them oh are you from RV? And I'm like yes, the only friends I have in my life are from RV HAHAHA. Do you all know how important you all are to me? I'm sorry if I don't express my appreciation and love for you all enough. I'm not good with all these, but really, I really love my close group of friends from RV. 

Even in uni, I stick to my group of RV friends. I do make friends in uni from group projects or language classes, but that's that. The friendship does not go any further. 

Anyway, I've seen people posting about making friends in 2020. It's difficult in my case, as I am still in the same work organisation, working with the same group of people. It's also very deterring to socialise outside now due to so many safe-distancing measures. As a homebody, I would rather stay home than to step out of my comfort zone to meet new people.

Do I sound very pathetic and lonely? I don't know LOL. This post is all over the place. It really says a lot about me. Like how I am so bad at expressing myself. 

I just want to say that it's ok to not have many many many friends, as long as there are people whom you know you can count on. Quality over quantity.  And for that, I'm thankful for friends who have been around for the past years. 


  1. HEHE YOU ARE VERY IMPORTANT TO ME TOO MY DEAR :) so glad we've remained close after all these years hehe. And omg all these prompts are so interesting I feel like doing also

    1. Yes you can try these prompts!! It's interesting to reflect on the year!! You're very important to me too my best skuddy buddy! Couldn't have survived uni without you <3
