Saturday, May 1, 2021

getting swabbed.

I miss writing but I am feeling so uninspired these days and I've been under the weather the whole year, both mentally and physically. 

Perhaps I shall share the story of me taking a swab test. 

I think some time in March I was feeling very unwell. I had a very bad sorethroat. It was weird falling sick after not falling sick for more than a year. Covid made me stay at home a lot more, so perhaps that resulted in lower chance of getting germs from outside and falling sick. But after more than a year, I finally fell sick. 

After 2 days of intense pain, I decided to be socially responsible and finally gave in and went to see a doctor to get some throat infection medicine. I thought it would be easy to get prescribed with those medicine, but when I was having a consultation with the doctor, he said that I would have to get swabbed because sorethroat is a symptom of covid. I was so scared I wanted to run out and tell him NAH I DON'T WANT TO SEE DOCTOR ANYMORE. The reason why I was so scared because I have heard of tales of people saying how painful it was, and I saw an instastory of benjamin kheng taking his swab test and he was tearing like hell while getting swabbed, so I was scared. 

However, the test wasn't that scary after all! The doctor I had was fortunately very gentle. It was uncomfortable, but wasn't painful. The stick did go pretty deep at first, but that's all. After that, he will just twist the swab stick around the nostril and it was so ticklish HAHAHA. 

After that, I was told that I had to serve a mandatory stay home notice for 3 days, and wait for my test results. My test results wasn't that fast, but I heard that if you checked online, it might be faster????? Because they took damn long to sms me the results. But of course it was negative!! 

It was just an interesting experience. 

I hope people won't get deterred to see the doctor because they are afraid of being swabbed. If you are very unwell, please just see a doctor, especially with the increase in community cases lately. You never know. Anyway, if you get swabbed, your medical fees are damn cheap, because they treat you like a potential case. I only paid $10 for my medical fees. So yes, let's all be socially responsible. 

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