Tuesday, September 14, 2021

of nightmares and such.

I've been having nightmares lately. I used to brag to my friend on how I wouldn't have dreams/nightmares, because it's nice to sleep peacefully, but as I age, especially since the pandemic, I've been dreaming a lot and I have been remembering my dreams.

Lately, I've had 2 dreams of a serial killer haunting my loved ones. Ok perhaps it wasn't a serial killer, but definitely a killer.

The first dream:

Somehow we were in this very rundown place, like a village of sorts. My grandma was attacked by the killer, slashed by knives? And then when the killer came for us in another room, I was the only one shutting the door and pushing against it with all my strength, while the rest in the room were just staring at me and not helping, and I was screaming and crying for my grandma and for everyone to save me, but it was just me fighting against the killer alone. 

The second dream:

The first part of the dream had my choir friends, but it didn't involve any killer of sorts. The second part of the dream involved a younger me. I was perhaps still a student in the dream. And in that dream, there was an older version of my nephew, or nephews? I can't remember. But apparently one boy tried to attack us and I think we subdued him? And then the mum came after us, and she was psychotic and tried to attack us. And similarly, I was the only one pacifying her and trying to calm her down to prevent us from getting killed. 

I've no idea what these dreams mean but they definitely show that I'm very stressed ha ha ha ha I would have to sleep with my pillow mist tonight to have better sleep quality...

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