Wednesday, November 29, 2023


I'm safely back from my biz trip. Will talk about it another day.

There have been some issues at work. It mainly stems from my job scope. One manager wants me to 100% switch to ship financing, and my assistant manager wants me to remain in treasury function. My understanding was that I would do both, but dedicate more time to ship financing, but it's not what the manager wants. There have been a lot of tension at work because of this because everyone wants different things from me, but nobody is asking me what I want too. I don't want to be a traitor and leave my current scope. I feel like I have the capacity to handle both scopes for now. And my boss. My boss always doesn't discuss things with them. There is a lack of communication. I feel like all these tension at work is my fault, even though at the same time, it isn't my fault, but a lack of communication and discussion between the higher-ups. This was something that I had raised before and I got scolded for making this comment HAHAHA but see? This kind of shit always happens. 

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