Friday, February 24, 2017


Perhaps my hamartia is desperately holding on to something too tightly and refusing to let go even though it is time to do so. It's like everyone has moved on, but I'm stuck circling about the same point. Perhaps I thought that I was fighting to keep things together, but ending up destroying everything with this pair of hands of mine. This is what happens when you are such an over-sentimental fool.

Listening to Jay Chou's songs while studying. I really really love his songs ahhhh I miss those days when I was younger and so in love with C-pop. LOL my spotify playlist is now flooded with chinese songs. There's something about Chinese lyrics/music that seem to be able to convey such strong emotions more intensely than English songs somehow. Favourite chinese singers are Jay Chou, JJ, Eric Chou, Ding Dang, A-lin, Amei, Jam Hsiao and more. Love love love. I NEED TO GO TEOHENG SOON. 

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