Tuesday, March 7, 2017

post-midterms, y3s2.

HELLO!! It's pretty late right now and I should sleep early (or earlier) since I've no more midterms but I guess my body clock is pretty screwed up right now. I AM FINALLY DONE WITH MIDTERMS!! It has been an excruciating 8.5 weeks and I am finally done with midterms!! Usually, it is normal for me to have at least 4 midterms since econs is pretty hardcore. The only time when my midterm schedule was pretty chill was in Y1S1, where I only had Econs midterms!! This sem, unfortunately, I have 5 midterms and all are after recess week.

90% sure I failed my public finance mod ah shit. T____T received my communications and new media's midterm grade today - it was pretty decent (average, in fact), but could have been better, considering the amount of effort I put in for an elective module. I swear I've never been so diligent in doing my readings - compiled notes for both readings and even for the textbook. Sighs so much effort put in when I might just SU it at the end of the day. But I really wanted to get an A sighs. 

For today's financial econs test, thank God it was an open book test omg. We have done almost all the questions for our practices, and he even went through it with us!! He was also nice to "gamble" (LOL he really likes gambling) with us, saying that if anyone hands in before the given time, we would all have to have in also. However, if no one hands in before the given time (11.15), he would extend 15 minutes more!! He was telling us that in his previous batch, some asshole went to hand in earlier, then everyone had no extension, then the classmates were pissed off at that dude HAHA. I was pretty sure that no one would be so shitty/selfish to hand in early so I was taking my own sweet time LOL. (Do and Vivan thought thought that people would hand in early though, because it's beneficial them. Bellcurve yeah. After all, it's a dog-eat-dog world in this society, or eat least for econs majors LOL.) Before the time was up, someone asked what would happen if he handed in, and I was like NO NO NO PLEASE NO. WOW REALLY THANK GOD SIA. A lot of kind souls waited till 1 minute later, which was 11.16 to hand in!! And there were quite a few of them!! At least 5. *THANK YOU FELLOW CLASSMATES FOR SAVING MY LIFE. That extra 15 minutes allowed me to complete my paper just on time. 

Also, super grateful coz I was supposed to have German vocab test this Thursday. I misread the announcement, and thought it was on week 10 until my friend told me on Monday!! WOW. Then I was thinking AH SHIT GOTTA MEMORISE. Then Joanna mustered her courage and asked Frau N. if she could postpone the test. Frau N. was hesitant, but eventually said OK HAHAHAH WE ALL CHEERED DAMN LOUDLY. YAY THANKS JOANNA!!

Another super lucky thing is, public finance classes are cancelled this week WOOHOOOOOO. It's a module I really dread T___T Sighs I don't get what on earth is happening every lecture and tutorial. Oh and my biz mod also canceled this week's assignment!! (We are required to submit our assignment by 12pm every Thursday.) Was thinking OH SHIT have to chiong both biz and public finance assignments today/tomorrow but lucky both cancelled AHHH :') SO LUCKY. So now I can spend my time relaxing, at least for today ^^

Ok I guess I should sleep now!!

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