Wednesday, February 22, 2017

the day my instagram account got hacked.

It was going to be a good day today.

I had a productive study session with my dear girl Joey.
I tried my best in teaching my tutee and wrote exam tips for him.
I got my first tuition pay.
I met Wendy for Thai Express and we had nice dessert at JiDeChi.
We had a fun time laughing at random stuff like "full of shit" or "shorty" or "package deal" (you get what I mean girl hehe) etc.
I was going to go home and watch an episode of my korean drama and continue with midterms revision, but shit happened.

My instagram account got hacked. 

Well, you may say I'm over-reacting and making a mountain out of a molehill, and I have no legit explanation why I am so upset, but I just am. It's nothing new that I am a drama queen. I am upset because a freaking stranger took over my account, changed my username, changed my password, changed the email associated with that account, and I am left with helplessness. All I could do was to report the incident to Instagram and hope that they would help me resolve the issues. I really don't know why I am so upset because I managed to screenshot those precious pictures (with the help of Joey. Thank you so much, my girl.), but I just feel so indignant. Like, WHY MUST THIS HAPPEN TO ME OF ALL PEOPLE. Why must you choose my account?? Like, what's your motive??

Here I am, seated in front of my laptop and refreshing my email continually, hoping that I would get some good news from Instagram. I've seen some forum threads by people who had experienced similar incidents and they were quite recent, and they mentioned how Instagram have yet to reply them (more than 4 days for some of them), and I am really worried.

I hope I have good news tomorrow when I wake up. 

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