Monday, June 5, 2017

my braces journal: the 4th tightening.

Hellooooo. Finally an update. Have been feeling super unmotivated and lazy recently, so I've been procrastinating like mad. But it's time to finally update my blog on my braces journey lest I forget about them even though I'm damn lazy to type LOL. (I've already went for 2 tightening but haven't updated them omg what a slacker.) But here goes.

Went for my 4th tightening some time in late April (I think it was around 27th April) during exam period. Had wanted to postpone till May but the nurses advised me not to miss a month.

Anyway, I hated that pair of braces the most!! I had these two separating-connectors on my upper row of teeth, causing me to have a tooth gap which was damn hideous and unsightly omg. When I went for the third tightening, I chose a pair of light blue braces because I thought it would be like the normal braces like my pink pair, but it was mainly connectors and connectors look very jarring and bulky, so the blue wasn't THATTTT nice, even though it looked pretty nice on the individual brackets.

Top: Before; Bottom: After. LOOK AT THAT GROSS GAP. The light blue is really nice right!! Although the top turned to this greenish teal colour LOL. I think is because I ate curry and some other food which stained the braces zzz. LOL evidently can be seen in the picture where my rubber band looks a little yellowish HAHAH SHIT DAMN GROSS. And the separating connectors made my big teeth (men2 ya2) look very big omg HATED IT. I was actually pretty self-conscious that period because people kept pointing out about the gap. Oh and the gap actually started forming 30 mins after I left the dental clinic??!! This scared me because it shows how fast our teeth shifts omg AMAZEBALLS.

Oh yeah and this time he removed the spring at the bottom right side. The reason for separating my upper teeth was also to rotate the two big front teeth. This is because prior to braces, I have crooked bucked teeth which were slightly overlapping, and they had to rotate them first to further push them back into place. HOW COOL RIGHT??

I don't know why my braces pattern more than badminton LOL. My cousin's braces journey was damn simple. Just rubber band and spring. Mine had all these weak connectors stuff, spring, rubber bands, and separating etc.

Top: After; Bottom: Before. LOL FML pimple outbreak. But look!! Can see the top row of teeth going back a bit right!! Hehe happy ^^ And LOL if you look closely can see the top row is greenish while the bottom row is blue HAHA shit.

Top: Before; Bottom: After. The previous dark blue pair of braces gave me a small gap on the top left because the tiny connectors were pulling them together, causing a gap, and now, it's closed!! Which was a price to pay because it left a gap in between the big teeth instead LOL. Bottom row's hole still as huge as ever because there's no rubber band yet!!

So I changed to this light purple pair of braces for the 4th tightening!! A long row of connectors on top but this wasn't as jarring as the light blue pair somehow!!

This time, the tightening was very fast!! I think one of the fastest?? Like less than 10 minutes. He also changed a wire for me (or maybe he shortened the wire to tighten them. I'm not too sure too!!) But I quite like this colour ^^ Removing the wire part is my favourite part because it feels SO LIBERATING!! My teeth felt so free and light!! And then a couple of seconds of liberation later, the pain sinks back in because the dentist attached the wire back HAHA. Can immediately feel the heaviness.

Ok that's all!! See when will I have the feels to update again LOL.

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