Monday, March 19, 2018

self-declared holiday.

It's 2.41pm now and my next lesson is at 3pm, but guess who is skipping lesson today?? HAHAHA.

Monday's are the worst day day for me (and V) because we have a 9-12pm morning class, followed by a 3-hour break and then a 3-6pm class. So by the time we go for our 3pm class, we are perpetually tired because food coma + prof is always reading off the slides.

Today, our 9am prof had to end lesson at 10.30am, so we were ECSTATIC. We headed off to utown for xiaolongbaos (nyehehehhehe slurps) and then we were just talking about how much we dread the next lesson and the break is even longer today. Then we both decided to skip lesson HAHA. I read through today's notes and it's pretty understandable since I've taken game theory before, but the programming part looks like hell. Probably have to google a lot when doing our assignment.

What's funny is that this morning even before school started, we were ranting in class and I was like, "HUH why do our profs never ever take MC and cancel classes." It so happened that Wendy was telling me how quite a number of her teachers took MC today and I felt so sian HAHA. And then prof entered and announced early dismissal. THAT'S LIKE THE CLOSEST WE CAN EVER GET TO HAVING OUR LESSONS CANCELED.

If you know me, I don't really skip classes much because I don't think I can afford to miss lessons since I'm one of the weaker students. Others can afford to skip classes because their concepts are very strong and they can understand the notes without going for lessons. I'm the poor stupid kid who is always helping to tank the bell curve BLESS MY SOUL. But yeah, I was just like HUH YEAR 4 ALR NEVER SKIP SCHOOL LIKE NO LIFE HOR. HAHAHA. And I'm really tired since I slept for only 2 hours because couldn't sleep. So yeah, I PLAYED TRUANCY. Evidently, this is a big deal for me LOL compared to my friends who skip school like at least once a week. 

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